Reports of Reverse Culture Shock are Greatly Exaggerated

I think I can officially say it. The readjustment really wasn't that bad. I was expecting it to be hard, but really, coming back was just not that big of an issue. Things were about the same as when I left. People don't seem to love Obama quite as much, but on the whole, not a lot has changed. (Somehow, my being 1/2 of the Obama Brothers didn't get me through the White House gate) People have been asking me a lot about what the best and worst parts about being back are. Honestly, I think the answer to both is just how easy things are here. If you need to do laundry, or replace a broken light bulb, or buy produce, you just do it. No brazenly disinterested shopkeepers, no obstacles, no bargaining. Just exchange money for goods and/or services, and be on your way, credit cards accepted. (Farmers Market in Copley Square) But that's also the problem. Living here, there's not that much mystery. That great feeling of waking up and having no idea what kind of trouble you...