Our Lost Little Lamb

in zanzibar kickin around eating coconuts and lobster claws on the beach. tell mom and dad i'm ok. if not back soon avenge death
Since I now live vicariously through Luke's posts as much as any one else, if not more, I have been taking the lack of updates pretty hard. Well, lucky for you, me and the whole wide internets, I'm gonna step in and help the little fella, who's having some internet connection issues. Don't get confused though, people. I am not back in Afrika, however much I would rather to be.
The internet in Malawi is awful. This is the third town I've stopped at and the first with any internet at all. No cell reception outside of towns either. This country is the VILLAGE. Lake Malawi is amazing though, bathwater with waves and golden beaches.
That's about all he gave me to work with. So to round this thing out, I'll just include a hil-arious joke that some mysterious person forwarded me about the pending/considered/whatever homosexuality law in Uganda.

Pablo: Yah! I met an old friend who almost shocked me to death. He told me that he was in the gay choir.
Bahati: Jesus Christ of Nazareth! What kind of songs do they sing?
Pablo: No, he meant GAY for Gayaza Archdiocese Youth choir.
Bahati: Eeeh! You almost shocked me too.

HAHAHA. Wait, what? 


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