The Graveyard

In honor of those who are no longer with us:

Nambozo Hercules
? - June 29, 2009

A good chicken with a real lust for life. A family man who enjoyed enjoyed chicks, millet seed and the early morning. Seasoned with a cumin & coriander spice rub and served with roasted matooke, onions and irish potatoes. You will be missed.

Kintu Dwight Howard
? - July 03, 2009

A true prince among poultry who never hesitated to give to others. Never has a chicken been so strong and such an inspiring leader. Seasoned with black pepper and salt. Served with roasted matooke and fried cabbage.

Tin Can Tony I
? - July 04, 2009

Never before has such a noble goat graced this green earth. The memory of Tony will without a doubt be cherished for generations to come by all who knew him. Truly a goat with a passion for excellence. Tony, in death you live forever. Seasoned with red chili, served with mashed Irish potatoes, locaal brrew and chocolate cake.

Odongo Venus and Akello Serena
? - July 22, 2009

Though we knew you only briefly, our lives are the richer for it. Chickens who loved and were loved by all who met them. Seasoned with a dry rub spice medley and served with roasted matooke, sweet potato and onions, and a Mediterranean chickpea salad.

Survived by:
Nakayenze Kobe
Numkuta Lebron
Mafaba Romeo


  1. You murderous bastard! How could you kill those poor defenseless creatures?

    Sounds like you've made peace with the food chain.

  2. How is it that I am feeling so sentimental and drooling at the same time?

    well done


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