And we're back...

Venice was sorta cool, but overrun with tourists and generally not that sweet. And there's something I'd like to get off my chest right quick.

Venice, built on top of over a hundred islands, seems to emerge out of mystical fogs, drifting on quiet waters. Appearing just as it did long ago to traders and travelers on merchant ships approaching from distant lands, she still continues to enchant vacationers and honeymooners arriving by boat today. She speaks to the heart of lovers and dreamers, business tycoons and vendors, that nothing new can rival her ancient splendour, that her store of hidden treasures and mysteries can never be exhausted. The anticipation of new discoveries belongs to long-time residents and visitors alike as they motor or paddle out to her veiled silhouette on the sea.**
At least that's the story. But look at the guys steering those boats. Know what they say?

They say gimme them hamburgers. Nothing screams romance like a corporate marketing stunt. Well done, Venice. Although maybe it's appropriate, since Venice felt about as sincere as Cinderella's Castle at Disneyland. The magic is gone, people. Maybe the Hamburglar took that too.

Actually the word on the street is that most of the real Venetians moved to the mainland already. Between the rising prices and the rising sea level, the only people left on the islands are there mostly to prey on tourists. I'll admit, though, that cruising around on the canals was pretty cool.

It's Friday night here. We have just a few more days here, then get on a plane for Uganda on Tuesday morning. Other than Venice, the whirlwind tour of Italy was a lot of fun. In an ideal world, we would have spent a few weeks on bikes poking around Tuscany, drinking wine and just taking it slow. That is just going to have to wait for another trip though.

** Totally ripped off from some hokey website. Whatever. They lie, I plagiarize. In the end, who is the bigger crook?


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