Titles are hard. Me in Boston Now?

The journey has officially begun. I'm in Boston and Pat is unemployed, so it's too late to back out even if we wanted to. Being that I'm going to Africa, I packed for Africa. Being that I'm in Boston in winter, its cold. Very cold. It's been a while since I've been someplace that gets cold like this when I haven't had a snowboard strapped to my feet. That's one thing you can say for Oregon. It's cool though that I'm going to go through such climate extremes within a month, and if you factor in the monsoon rains in Oregon the last week, that's another one. I imagine there will be nights where I'm too hot to sleep and surrounded by bugs wanting to eat my blood when I would give anything for a handful of this snow and ice.

Thanks to everybody who came out to see me off or sent me their wishes the last few nights. You all mean the world to me, and it was the best sendoff I could ask for. My night in Portland particularly, was everything a person could hope for. Thanks to David and Julia for the hobo bag-on-a-stick full of supplies; unfortunately due to the lack of space, I had to leave the bag of rocks behind. Thanks to Joel for making us the roll-up chess/etc. board. Thanks to Mari for throwing a great party and for everything. Thanks to our parents for everything and for supporting us in this crazy endeavor.

It is finally starting to sink in what's going on here. I've been rushing around so much that I haven't really had time to think about it. For the first time I really thought about what it's going to be like getting off that plane in Entebbe, getting that first smell of the air. All's I can say is it better not be cold.


  1. OH man! I wish I had known you'd be in Boston, bro!
    My band and I just hit a couple of venues- The Charles Pub and Hancock. Well, back to the tour bus. I'll let you know if we tour internationally. We may just have to get some of those plug adaptors though.


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