The only thing worse than peanutbutter for dinner

Our friend took us to the open air market yesterday, and made some progress on life here in Lira. Of course we have a homie here too. We bought some red beans and rice, some veggies, some curry, all types of good stuff. We are pumped about our first opportunity since leaving Boston to make ourselves an honest meal. So we're sitting on the porch playing dominos, putting off starting dinner. Waiting for that moment when you are so hungry that you just have to get started, knowing that beans take like hours to cook. Uh oh, storm brewing. We get pushed inside because all hell is breaking loose, which is pretty normal so far as far as weather is concerned.

We go into the kitchen and get started. Pat's cutting onions, I'm washing the beans and tomatoes. I'm getting excited, we're getting along well. Then Pat discovers we have no propane. No!!!!! So we go back to the couch to sort out our options. We're watching the storm, pretty solid on the fact that we can't walk to town in this downpour. Then the power goes out. Great. Just great.

I had peanutbutter for dinner again. This time in the dark.


  1. Don't hate on the pb! It's the best! :) ... Hope your food adventures go more smoothly next time!


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